Birth of a Child
Coaching Through Life Changes: Reflection Questions for Coaches when Facing Life Transitions
Personal Category
Topic: Birth of a Child
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How will I adapt…
- to delegate and/or share my current coaching duties?
- to create flexibility in my coaching schedule to manage new childcare responsibilities? How do we pay for childcare?
- to be a part of my child’s life and still manage my coaching schedule?
- to best include my family in my current coaching situation (attendance at games, practices, etc.)?
- to handle coaching responsibilities and duties during the days right before, during, and after the birth of a child? How do I not bring my work home with me and still be an effective coach?
- to spend time with young children with a coaching schedule (early bedtime)?
- to raise a newborn baby while coaching a season?
- to include a support system of colleagues, friends, and family in helping adjust to being a new parent?
- to continue to nurture my relationship with my spouse?

How will I communicate…
- with my supervisor the need to be more present for my family? What kind of support do I have from the department before, during, and after delivery? Do I have the option of parental leave?
- my additional financial/health care needs, what do I need to share with my supervisor?
- with my supervisor, if my child is born with special needs and I need additional time away from my role as a coach?
- with my staff about my absence during the birth of a child?
- with my players my new responsibilities at home?
- the presence of my family in my coaching life at practices, games, etc.?
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