(November 12, 2021)
Sport Coach America (SCA) is excited to announce our Coach Development Team.
The SCA Coach Development Team assists coaches in short-term and long-term coach development through in-person and virtual workshops. All members of the coach development team have a doctoral degree in a sport-related field, coaching experience, and are published authors on topics related to coach development.
Marcis Fennell, Ph.D. Chris Croft, Ed.D. Cara Cocchiarella, Ed.D. Andy Gillham, Ph.D. Mark Stanbrough, Ph.D. Lori Gano-Overway, Ph.D. Hal Wilson, Ph.D. Kanae Haneishi, Ed.D. Eric Martin, Ph.D. Pete Van Mullem, Ph.D.
The ten-member team includes Marcis Fennell, the founder, and director of the Character Affiliates of Sport and an assistant professor at Florida A&M; Lori Gano-Overway, an assistant professor and director and advisor of the coaching education program at James Madison University; Mark Stanbrough, a professor at Emporia State University in Kansas, where he serves as the director of coaching education; Chris Croft, an assistant professor of sport management at the University of Southern Mississippi; Cara Cocchiarella, a coach developer with Win Win Consulting and a professor in health and physical education; Eric Martin, the director of the Center for Physical Activity and Sport and an assistant professor at Boise State University; Andy Gillham, the lead performance psychology specialist at Sanford Power; Kanae Haneishi, an associate professor of kinesiology at Valley City State University; Hal Wilson, associate professor of coaching education at Georgia Southern University; and Pete Van Mullem, professor at Lewis-Clark State College and the director of Sport Coach America.
For more information on the Coach Development Team visit: https://sportcoachamerica.org/coach-development-team/