Coaching Through Life Changes: Reflection Questions for Coaches when Facing Life Transitions
Personal Category
Topic: Marriage
For the full document and downloadable PDF, click HERE
How will I adapt…
- to determine which personal activities I enjoy, and may need to reprioritize?
- to involve my spouse in my role as a coach? How much information on negative experiences do I share with my spouse? How much does my spouse want to be involved in my coaching role?
- to create new boundaries to protect my family time on some weeknights or weekends? How does my spouse support my non-traditional working hours, such as nights, weekends, long hours, travel away from home, and so on?
- to better understand the challenges my spouse will encounter?
- to delegate some responsibilities to free up more time for my family?
- to incorporate my identity as a married person into my role as a coach? How much will I integrate my coaching life and family life?
How will I communicate…
- with my spouse that instability of working as a coach in terms of employment?

How will I support…
- my spouse’s interests/career/goals? What ambitions am I willing to sacrifice to support my spouse’s ambitions?
- my spouse in feeling like they are a part of the program if they desire? How can I use the strengths of my spouse to help with my coaching situation and help me process any negativity towards me?
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