Preparing to Coach Your Children
Considerations for Parents Across Sport Settings
Seeking Input
This is a working document and we are seeking feedback. If you have coached your children or worked with coaches that have coached their children please consider offering your insight on this resource for coaches. Each contributor will receive credit in the final document. Provide feedback here: Preparing to Coach Your Children

The following information serves as a resource for parents when preparing to coach their children. To use this document, review the common considerations for parents when coaching their children across all levels of sport. Then find the setting in which you coach your child for suggestions specific to your coaching context.
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The following coaches and coach developers contributed to the creation and development of this resource:
Cara Cocchiarella, Ed.D. (Win Win Consulting)
Chris Croft, Ed.D. (University of Southern Mississippi)
Collin Fehr, Ed.D. (Lewis-Clark State College)
Marcis Fennell, Ph.D. (Character Affiliates of Sport, Florida A&M University)
Mike Herbert, Ph.D. (Southwestern Oregon CC, Supporting Student-Athletes)
Greg Lott, Ph.D. (Denison University, Granville Recreation District)
Eric Martin, Ph.D. (Boise State University)
Jessica Savage, Ph.D. (Lewis-Clark State College)
Pete Van Mullem, Ph.D. (Sport Coach America, Lewis-Clark State College)
Heather Van Mullem, Ph.D. (Lewis-Clark State College)
Melissa Volk (Andover High School, MN)
Hal Wilson, Ph.D. (Georgia Southern University)
The following individuals contributed expertise and insight to this working document
Brandon Lane Allen (Oak Grove Athletic Association, MS)
Noemi Zaharia, OLY (University of Alabama Huntsville)
Valentin Cristian Zaharia, OLY
Preparing to Coach Your Child
(C) 2022 Sport Coach America