Traumatic Health Change (a more serious illness)
Coaching Through Life Changes: Reflection Questions for Coaches when Facing Life Transitions
Personal Category
Topic: Traumatic Health Change
For the full document and downloadable PDF, click HERE
How will I communicate…
- and delegate my responsibilities in a fair and equitable manner?
- the need to focus on myself rather than others to improve my health? How do I reprioritize what matters to me, my family, and my program? How do I plan for and communicate any changes in priorities? Who can I trust on my coaching staff or within the organization to manage/coach my team in my absence?
- what information to share? With whom? When? How much do I share to not overwhelm others?
- my mental struggle with people around me. What kind of support do I need from my supervisor, department, and family. How will I make sure my players understand the situation and they receive the support they need?
- and decide when it’s best to step away? How do I prepare myself to walk away from coaching?

How will I adapt…
- to potential limitations on capacity when returning (travel, hours, etc.)?
- when I return to the previous level of roles/responsibilities, if/when health is restored? How do I schedule/balance treatment/rehab with job duties/expectations?
- if my health diminishes my capacity/aptitude/interest? Does my institution provide for medical leave (terms, process)?
- to the potential medical expenses associated with this change?
- if my perspective changes? How does this impact my coaching philosophy? Am I still a good fit for the job/institution?
- and know what my limitations might be and plan accordingly so as to not put further stress on others.
- and be a better coach, based on what I have learned?
- to incorporate what I have learned into my coaching as an example of responding positively to adversity?
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