So You Want to Coach in College

By Tim Baghurst
(February 2, 2022)

It’s hard being a head coach at any level, but college coaching certainly has its challenges. In these FSU COACH videos, head coaches across different sports in college share their perspectives of some of the successes and failures they’ve experienced. They include:

Kyle Stevenson, Head Coach of Track & Field at Georgia State University

Kyle shares his coaching journey to head coach, detailing some of the challenges of being a head coach, what he’s learned along the way, how he recruits athletes and decides scholarships, how coaching women can be different to coaching men, how he motivates athletes, and what advice he has for those seeking to advance in the profession. Interview with Kyle Stevenson, Head Coach of Track & Field at Georgia State University

Coak Matthews, Head Coach of Swimming & Diving, Henderson State University

Coak shares his almost 40 years of coaching experience at one university, discussing recruiting, working with challenging athletes, longevity in coaching, coach stress and burnout, in addition to several other topics.

Dr. Peter McGahey, Head Coach of Women’s Soccer, Saint Leo University

In this interview, Peter McGahey discusses his experiences coaching club and collegiate soccer, challenges associated with moving jobs, juggling job and family, the realities of coaching, and what strategies he uses to change the culture in a team.

Bob Bowman, Head Coach of Swimming & Diving ASU and Coach of Michael Phelps

Coach Bowman shares his experiences coaching club, collegiate, and Olympic swimming. He discusses goal setting and how he sets goals with his athletes. He analyzes the differences between being a collegiate head coach and a head coach at the Olympics. He provides advice for growing a sport and for those coaches looking to improve.

Beth Launiere, Head Coach of Women’s Volleyball at the University of Utah

Beth shares her coaching journey and discusses some of the challenges associated with building a program. She explains how she motivates outstanding athletes and corrects or drops struggling players from her program. She explains how she hires and fires assistant coaches, how she recruits and offers advice for others in the coaching profession.

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